Celebrities Matter!! Part 1

Published September 21, 2012 by mandzmagee

Today I was reading a blog by a wonderful woman I follow on Twitter AutismMumma http://bluecrisps.wordpress.com. She highlighted about how someone high up in the public eye, respected by millions of all ages, all over the world had found it suitable to show that it was justified to publicly discriminate anyone with Autism effecting their life via Twitter.  I have to say after copious amounts of complaints he did apologise.  However don’t people realise – as soon as that first line is posted – the millions of followers that they have also find it acceptable to discriminate against the same subject?

The damage was done!!

These people in the public eye should be setting a better example to the younger and older generations that are keeping them as an Idol.  I genuinely believe that the people that are so open to be able to write their uneducated thoughts – apologise – should then go on to openly educate themselves in the public eye to learn about what ever it is that they’ve discriminated about.  It would certainly set a better example to their fans instead of just posting up an apology on Twitter that their fans may have missed.

Discrimination is like a cycle that people follow generation to generation – that cycle can only be broken when people decide to stand up and break it – no matter what the subject is – race – religion – disability – ANYTHING!!

People in the public eye – especially people with “Superstar” Status (and several million followers on twitter) should be actively empowering people to break the cycle how else can they get the “World Peace” status that they all proclaim to want?

What do you think Mr 50cent?  A little Autism Awareness in public may be the way forwards to help stamp out that discrimination!

6 comments on “Celebrities Matter!! Part 1

    • Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment!! I absolutely didn’t recognise Jennifer without her make-up!! Please feel free to stop back any time and I’m always looking for inspirations to blog on (you can tell I’m new at it eh?! lol). If there’s ever anything you want views and opinions on just let me know!! Thank you again!! Xx


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